
Sistem rangka plafon EasyFrame™ menghadirkan plafon yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan Anda dengan luas area ~100m2 atau bentang bebas ~10m'.

Data Fisik:
  • Bracket: PN 220/221
  • Rod: PN 227
  • Clip Adjuster: PN 222
Main Frame:
  • TCR PN 250 (0,35mm)
Secondary Frame:
  • EF PN 251 (0.35mm)
  • PN 209
  • PN 252 (0.35mm)
Rekomendasi Pemasangan:
  • Apartment
  • Sekolah
  • Rumah Tinggal
  • Ruko, dll.

Fitur & Manfaat:
  • Safety Factor min 3x
  • Luas Area Hingga 100 m2
  • Hemat Biaya
  • Bahan Baku sesuai SNI
Katalog Brosur | Brochures Catalogues

Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.