Ngopjay Discussion in Bekasi
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Ngopjay Discussion in Bekasi

Ngopjay Discussion in Bekasi

BEKASI – Jayaboard has held another Ngopjay (Ngobrol Pintar Bareng Jayaboard) event on April 14, 2022 at RM Khas Sunda Cibuk, Bekasi. Ngopjay is a forum to exchange knowledge related to innovation and product trends in the construction world, as well as strengthen the engagement with applicators. As many as 16 applicators have participated in this event.


The events began with a product presentation session about the types and performances of Jayaboard® gypsum boards and Cornice Compound 5 in 1 by Anton Ristiadi (Jayaboard Technical Trainer). Interactive discussions were held, they provided insights and feedback based on their experiences of Jayaboard products usage on project.


The event was then continued with JayaPRO application socialization by Rahmawan Gunawan (Jayaboard Training Manager).  JayaPRO itself is a mobile application (for android) as a community forum for handymen or foremen / applicator who loyally use Jayaboard products. One of the advantages in joining JayaPRO is that they can increase the chances of getting a job, expand business relationships, and be able to take part in training and activities held by Jayaboard. By using JayaPRO application users can collect reward points for every purchase of Jayaboard products.


After the product presentation and the socialization of JayaPRO Application, the participants and the Jayaboard Team broke the fast together.


In the Blind Test session, product hands-on were conducted for the applicators to try Cornice Compound 5in1 as a jointing solution. The sessions concluded with applicators acknowledgement that the quality of Jayacompound Cornice 5in1 and Jayaboard® gypsum boards are very good compared to other brand.


The Ngopjay Event then closed with a Quiz and a group photo session.


Jayaboard, Kini dan seterusnya.

Jayaboard has regular activities to share knowledge and innovation about the latest product and system trends in the construction industry with architects and professionals throughout Indonesia. If you want your office/community to be visited by the Jayaboard Team, you can directly register via email to / or call Jayaboard Hotline at 021 797 7777.