Jayaboard® Supports the Development of the New Capital City (Ibu Kota Nusantara)
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Jayaboard® Supports the Development of the New Capital City (Ibu Kota Nusantara)

Jayaboard® Supports the Development of the New Capital City (Ibu Kota Nusantara)

In celebration of August 17th, Jayaboard® is committed to supporting the development of the New Capital City with sustainable, healthy, and safe product and system solutions. Jayaboard® offers Ultimate Project services to meet specific project needs.

Various projects in the New Capital City have utilized Jayaboard products and systems, including the Presidential Palace, Presidential Office Building, Minister’s Residence, and more.

Curious about which other New Capital City projects use Jayaboard products? Watch the video below!


Stay tuned to Jayaboard®'s social media for the latest updates! For more information, contact Jayaboard® on WhatsApp at 0811 8120 205.