Jayaboard Continue the Caring Action of COVID-19
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Jayaboard Continue the Caring Action of COVID-19

Jayaboard Continue the Caring Action of COVID-19

Currently, Indonesia has entered the New Normal era, where people are required to continue their daily routines but also stay on guard regarding the COVID-19 which still overshadows Indonesia. The government continues to urge the public to pay attention to several safety factors in daily activities such as physical distancing, wearing a mask & washing hands regularly to break the spreading chain of COVID-19.

Jayaboard continue to preserve people’s live, by contributing in safety & health campaigns for community to fight against COVID-19, on the previous action, Jayaboard had distributed PPE (personal protective equipment) to some hospitals and masks to wholesalers. This time, Jayaboard distributed portable sink to wholesalers and projects as its loyal partners, to increase the awareness of washing hands campaign as one of the effective ways to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

  • This video is made under the strict COVID-19 protocol.


Jayaboard will continue to contribute for community and implementing the SAFETY value to improve people’s live.
