ECS7 - Hygienic Exposed Area | Jayaboard

ECS7 Hygienic Exposed Area


This ceiling system designed for an exposed ceiling system with Natura Anti-Microbial Moldstop panel that will helps preventing bacteria from multiplying.

Specifications :

  • Weight: 7 Kg/m2


Supporting Materials:

  • Frame: JayaBMS Hanger System (Bracket PN 220/221, Clip Adjuster PN 410/412, Rod PN 409), Donn DX Main Runner, Donn DX Cross Tee.
  • Board: 1 layer of Jayapanel Anti-Microbial Moldstop 9mm.



Suitable for :

  • Office
  • Classroom
  • Hospital
  • Dept. Store



  • All the materials above calculated based on a room with a size of (10x10m). Another room sizes should be considered further.
  • Suspension gap max. of 1200mm.
  • Primary frames gap max. of 1200/600mm
  • Secondary frames gap max. of 1200/600mm
  • All the materials above needs to be reconfirmed by the Contractor/ Applicators regarding bookings material inquiry order.
  • Exclude waste material.

Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.