- Fire Rating: +/- X + 15 (Sheetrock 12mm), +/- X + 30 (Firestop 13mm)
- Acoustic Rating (100mm brickwall): +/- 43 (Sheetrock 12mm), +/- 44 (Firestop 13mm)
- Acoustic Rating (100mm ALC): +/- 35 (Sheetrock 12mm), +/- 36 (Firestop 13mm)
- Grade (BS 5234): Medium Duty
- All the materials above calculated based on a room with a size of (3x33.33m). Another room sizes should be considered further
- Adhesive gap max. of 300mm.
- All the materials above needs to be reconfirmed by the Contractor / Applicators regarding bookings material inquiry order.
- Exclude waste material