Pin Perf ™ ClimaPlus ™ | Jayaboard

Jayapanel Mineral Fiber specially designed to create a great acoustic performance and aesthetic ceiling and partition system.

Physical Properties:
  • Weight: 4,08 - 4,18 Kg/m2
  • Thickness: 16mm
  • Length 600 mm & 1200 mm
  • Width: 600 mm

Up to 45% Recycled

Recommended Applications:
  • Office
  • Dept.Store
  • School
  • Hospital
  • "Ruko"
Features & Benefits:
  • Sag-defying Strength
  • Optimum Acoustic Performance
  • Non Surface Spread Flame Material
  • Better Light Reflection (LR 0,88)
  • Please refer to the brochure attached for more info

Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.